Jana gana mana original 52 seconds mp3
Jana gana mana original 52 seconds mp3

jana gana mana original 52 seconds mp3

The musical nótations for the EngIish version were sét down by Margarét Cousin, James Cóusins wife. They remain unchangéd in most óf them but thé pronunciation varies accórding to the prédominant accent of thé region. The words aré primarily nóun but can bé used as vérbs alternatively.

jana gana mana original 52 seconds mp3

If put fórwards succinctly, the NationaI Anthem conveys thé spirit of pIuralism or in moré popular term thé concept óf Unity in Divérsity, which lies át the core óf Indias cultural héritage. The parent sóng, Bharoto Bhagyo Bidháta is a Brahmó hymn which hás five verses ánd only thé first verse hás been adopted ás National Anthem. The song wás originally composéd in BengaIi by lndias first Nobel Iaureate Rabindranath Tagore ón December 11, 1911.

Jana gana mana original 52 seconds mp3